Animated map shows the undersea cables that power the internet

Animated map shows the undersea cables that power the internet

An animated video shows the undersea cable system. Every time you visit a web page or send an email, data is being sent and received through an intricate cable system that stretches around the globe. Since the 1850s, we’ve been laying cables across oceans to...
AMS-IX Caribbean heads to Colombia for LACNIC 24

AMS-IX Caribbean heads to Colombia for LACNIC 24

Nico Scheper of AMS-IX Caribbean and Erik Verhoef of AMS-IX in Amsterdam will be attending LACNIC 24 in Bogotá, Colombia from September 28 until October 2. In addition to AMS-IX Caribbean being an exhibitor at this event, it is also a proud sponsor of the Peering...
AGAYA team onboard cable layer IT Intrepid

AGAYA team onboard cable layer IT Intrepid

  Today the AGAYA team visited the cable-ship IT Intrepid in the harbour of Curaçao. Recently the IT Intrepid installed a submarine cable with 5 landings. Of which AGAYA executed the overall turnkey project management. The cable layer can handle 1700 tonnes of...
AMS-IX Caribbean on the Agenda at MORE-IP 2015

AMS-IX Caribbean on the Agenda at MORE-IP 2015

Nico Scheper, Director Business Development at AMS-IX Caribbean, gave an update about the Caribbean Internet Exchange platform at MORE-IP 2015 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He explained during his presentation how the average download speed and Internet penetration...